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As seen in international media
Start-up founder Kosima Kovar in conversation
Kosima on her career path, sustainability and women in business
This app aims to empower women on the job
Viora tested by Der Standard.
Entrepreneur Kosima Kovar: "Nine-to-Five is not the future".
Kosima explains how the world of work should change for the younger generation.
Women have a harder time than men in the world of work in many respects - for example, they are interrupted more often and their ideas are given less weight. With her app Viora, Kosima Kovar wants to show women how they can change this.
Matthew Ziebarth: "Silicon Valley is not a place, it's an attitude"
Kosima Kovar and Matthew Ziebarth help women in the workplace with their start-up Viora. Both are calling for more willingness to take risks in Austria.
In the TV1 talk, the internationally successful founder Kosima Kovar explains her path to success and what is needed in our federal state for more start-ups.
Viora Hacks by Kosima Kovar
Viora helps women to assert themselves better in everyday working life. 30u30 founder & CEO Kosima Kosima Kovar exclusively shares her favorite tips from her learning app with our community.
Global Goals Podcast: Carmen Jeitler-Cincelli in conversation with Kosima Kovar
Top-class women's power on the A1 MINTchanger:in stage
Report on A1 Mintchanger:in event & presentation of speakers who talk about their way to the top their way to the top
Creative & Courageous
Report on A1 Mintchanger:in event & presentation of speakers who talk about their way to the top their way to the top
Women in front of the curtain!
Kosima on how to make female talent visible, attract it and retain it in the company retain
Westfield Danube Center celebrates International Women's Day with high-profile panel discussion
Kosima as a speaker at the Westfield Donauzentrum for International Women's Day
You should know these startup founders from Austria
Startup founders from Austria presented, Kosima Kovar with Viora & Sgreening with
"I want to get up every day and know that I am working for this planet and the people on it. people on it."
Exclusive interview with Kosima Kovar
If you want to retain female talent, you have to offer more!
Kosima interviewed on how companies can face the 'War Of Female Talents'.
This is on the agenda for ÖMG in 2023
ÖMG: SDGs and environment as focal points of the new board period, Kosima new to the board
Start-ups and the difficult search for money
Discussion with Austrian start-ups and the difficulties of finding investors investors, Kosima discusses with
This is the new ÖMG board
Kosima as part of the new board at ÖMG
FHWien of WKW honored successful graduates
Kosima receives Alumni Award of the University of Applied Sciences Vienna - Category 'Shaping The Future
The winners of the Alumni Awards 2022 have been announced
Kosima as winner at the Alumni Awards of the FH Vienna, category: Shaping the future
The 100 Best Start-Ups 2022
Viora on Nr 97 of the best start-ups in Austria
Being right or gaining (valuable professionals)?
Press Room Talk at the APA on the topics of New Work, Diversity & Generations (Kosima as a participant in the panel discussion)
"The shift toward gender equality can't happen too fast"
Interview with Kosima about her experience with discrimination and why female empowerment is important to her.
Kosima Kovar talks about her experience with sexual harassment and discrimination
Kosima interview about her experiences in the world of work and the intention behind Viora
Empowerment through Viora
Presentation of Kosima and Viora concept
What really counts in today's labor market (Municipal Summer Talks)
Kosima interview about her experiences in the world of work and the intention behind Viora
Municipal Summer Talks more international and larger than ever before
17th Municipal Summer Talks, presentation of modern working world by Kosima and others.
Invitation: 'Municipal Summer Talks' in Bad Aussee
17th Municipal Summer Talks, presentation of modern working world by Kosima and others.
Delina Innovation Award for Digital Education presented
delina Awards 2022, winners:inside
Delina 2022: The winners have been determined
delina Awards 2022, winners:inside
Kosima Kovar, Sgreening & Viora in the MCÖ podcast
Kosima's career, Vision Viora & Sgreening
How to find what you burn for
Raiffeisen Youth Symposium
Raiffeisen Youth Symposium: Helping to shape the future means getting involved
Future topics and approaches to solutions for future challenges
#glaubandich Challenge: These Social Business & EduTech Startups compete in Bregenz
Start-Up Challenge of Erste Bank
hans(wo)men: Female founders cause name change at startup investor
Hansmen Group becomes hans(wo)men: More investment in start-ups founded by women
Viora: Why women still have to fight
What is Viora?
Viora: Viennese founders for female empowerment bring Hansi Hansmann on board
Viora: Viennese founders for female empowerment bring Hansi Hansmann on board
Growing digitally - women's power boost via app
Viora vision and concept
WKO #schaffenwir: Women's power boost via app
About Kosima, Origin & Purpose Viora
Kosima Kovar on value and sustainability in communication
Sgreening, Viora, Values & sustainability
Viennese startup Viora wants to help women become more "visible"
Viora Vision, Crowdfunding
'Viora': Viennese start-up makes women visible & audible
Viora Launch, crowdfunding, team of women
Coaching for women: 'Just don't use the childish scheme!
How do I make my voice heard? How do I negotiate my salary? How do I get respect?